Thursday, September 24, 2020

Pennsylvania Judge Hits Pennsylvania Governor - HARD

 You would think that Americans would be furious that their state governments decided that a health 'emergency' gave them incredible powers to limit their freedoms. 

Ironically, 18 years ago the W administration had a talking point that the Muslims in the Middle East "hated us for our freedoms".

What freedoms?

If your government officials, elected or otherwise, can tell you that you can't go to work, can't go to school, can't go to church .....

But you can loot, pillage, steal, kill and 'protest' - one would think that regular people would fight back.

I will go to my grave wondering where the fighting American spirit went.

One judge has called a power hungry, mediocre politician to task.  The PA governor placed new  limits (25 people) for gatherings in the state.  Here's the problem.  He privately authorized a gathering this summer.  He was seen in at least 2 BLM protests - clearly violating his own rules.  He used sloppy bits of evidence to try to get his rules through.

I don't know who this judge is, but he's a beast.  The first video is of the decision itself. The second one is where the fire really is.  The governor said, "hey wait, I'm the governor, it's an emergency!, and don't you know that PEOPLE WILL DIE!! I want an injunction and a stay of the decision because don't you know COVID!!"

Judge wasn't having it.  It's an epic beat down.  About damn time.

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