Sunday, October 25, 2020

LaptopGate - The Power Elite Influence is Crumbling RN

The H. Biden laptop controversy is an amazing event.  It exposes many things.  The reaction to the story is the most amazing of all.  As we were taught as good leftists back in the day by Saul Alinsky: it isn't the action, it's the reaction that you have to watch.

This reaction to the story is out of this world amazing.  

  • No one from the Biden campaign is denying the veracity of the laptop, or anything in it.
  • The Corporate Media outlets are censoring like I've never seen.
  • Media / reporters true colors are getting exposed in real time.
  • A front-running presidential candidate suspended real world campaigning - in mid campaign.

The real story is the Corporate Press, which is now totally exposed as the enemy of the people. Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi have savagely attacked the MSM as only they can:

GG on Twitter throwing haymakers:

Matt Taibbi instantly came out with an article destroying the hypocrisy of the Corporate Weasels in the press.  He doesn't go hard enough - but it's a good one:

He's also on TWTR swatting away the court jesters who are paid to support the globalist corporatocracy.

I don't know how Taibbi and Greenwald have the strength to fight against the corporate globalists, but this incident has shown that they are left leaning people with integrity.

It has also shown not only the power of propaganda, but the Power Elite's commitment to any kind of behavior - no matter how deviant, as long as it benefits them.

Keep your eyes open.  We are learning a lot in class this election season for sure.

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