Saturday, October 24, 2020

Animal Farm - 2020 Version

 Paul Joseph Watson introduces his latest video "Modernity" with this statement: 

"They do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude."

In this video, you'll watch many things.  The best imagery comes when he shows you how the elites expect you to live in the "New Normal", while they do things the way they wish. Here's a sample of the level of hypocrisy seen in this screenshot:

They will have you taking your mask off only between bites at a restaurant, while they live freely, openly violating the rules they have for you.

Watson is right - people love their servitude.  I was thinking about Mrs. Pelosi in the picture above while some old coot asked me if I had mask while I was in the basement laundry room.

I think I'll go back to Animal Farm this year with the 9th graders.  It's even more appropriate these days.

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