Saturday, October 24, 2020

School Reopening Update - The Plan

 Here is what we've got in store for reopening my school district:

We are anxiously awaiting the gradual reopening of schools. Based on current infection rates, as of this update, we are proceeding with reopening plans for students who have selected the in person instruction option. If you have not responded to the survey you have been automatically assigned to the remote learning class roster.
  • Phase 1 will begin on November 16 for grades K-3 and programs for students with Autism and intellectual disabilities
  • Phase 2 will begin on November 30 for grades 4-8
  • Phase 3 will begin on December 14 for grades 9-12- Students in grades 9-12 will be split into two chorts in order to maintain social distancing.
Principals will be communicating with you to let you know which Cohort your child is in.

It is imperative that students understand that they must wear their masks at all times. For our younger learners, parents are advised to begin getting students accustomed to wearing face coverings for extended periods of time so that this will be a regular part of their daily habits by the time school resumes.

Please log on to the district website and visit on FAQ for more information.


The mask mandate has no chance.  Assuredly, it will be mostly ignored by the older students.  The younger children might be able to get 'accustomed' to wearing face coverings, but the older students will not.  When asked by a parent about students not complying with the mask mandates, the superintendent
said that "there will be varying levels of conversation" with those students.

I'll translate: "We can't kick students out for not wearing masks, therefore we'll give them repeated and stern talking tos about putting on a mask".

General teenage rebelliousness + a lax policy = an ignored rule.

What is notable about our district is that our superintendent had a reopening plan that originally had the students coming back in September.  To use old terminology, 'the switchboard lit up' when he spoke to parents about it.  They were furious that he would let the children come back and go to their deaths (!) in school.  They used that kind of rhetoric.  The parents were so vociferous and angry, and so forceful during a Facebook live session in early September, that the superintendent went to an all digital plan by the end of that day.

What people don't realize is that the Corporate Press has frightened the Herd so badly that it seems to think that the risk level is so high that children are in danger of dying of The Novel Coronavirus.

They aren't.

Here are the numbers from NY State, by day, of deaths with the coronavirus for the past 5 weeks:

In a state with almost 20 million people, there is NO RISK to anyone, let alone school age children.

There's a comment at the end of the above linked article that distills the ignorance and fear that the typical school or union official has about The Novel Coronavirus and its risk:

"I asked Pringle why her union, like others, had put such emphasis on the virus’s health risks to children, and she said, “When we look at the data and they say only .1% of kids will contract it and get seriously ill and die, that’s actually around 50,000 children.” I noted that the number of children known to have died of COVID-19 nationwide was around 100. She said her estimate was what could happen if kids did go back to school."

Not only are our Rulers able to snooker and manipulate the Herd like you see above, the masses, for whom I have an ever growing contempt, have completely forgotten everything from wwaaaaayyyy back in June 2020:

That's from June 9th in Paris.

Here's one from the same time in Austin TX:

You don't have to do a Where's Waldo to find people in the crowd with no masks.  Social distancing?  Yeah right.

The Hyper Coronatypes were silent then, when the numbers were worse.  The Corporate Press was glowing about how wonderful these gatherings were.  As everything lately seems to be about the 2020 election, I'll make it about that too: the pictures and charts above, as well as the linked articles, are why we'll see a Trumpslide in 2 weeks.  In NYC we still can't fill up a restaurant. Schools have to slowly re-populate, despite the now obvious harmful effects of the lockdown AND the pictures above.

Even the regular people are noticing.

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