Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Brendan O'Neill: I will break the "rule of six" on Christmas Day

 Alan Moore would be darkly proud of his compatriots in the UK.  Moore wrote dystopian comic books in the 1980's about how oppressive the British government would be, and how it would monitor and spy on everyone to see that they were doing as they're told.  Pick up a copy of "V for Vendetta" to see current day Britain predicted back in 1981.

Brendan O'Neill is a heretic who won't do as he's told.  Apparently the British government has ruled that families can't gather in groups bigger than 6 on Christmas.  O'Neill, who is one of my favorite Professional Dissenters, has said that he will not obey this nonsensical order for Christmas.

I agree with him.

Not only does it not make any sense, the same people who have put these rules in place have said NOTHING about the protests, looting and riots that took place this past May and June.  Nor will they ever say a bad word about them.  To them, this paradox makes sense.  Perhaps it is even .. 'following the science'.

If you treat the citizenry with contempt, what do you expect to get back?  I like it that people are pushing back against the idiotic and random diktats that are being thrown down on the population from the Elite Class.

In a way, it's good to see the Rulers come up with clownish rules like 'the rule of 6'.  The more they slam their feet on the gas pedal, the more people will check out of the system and the system will lose its illogical legitimacy.

From YouTube:

"Spiked Online editor Brendan O'Neill says he will break the "rule of six" on Christmas Day. 

"What kind of country have we become when (Victoria Derbyshire) has to issue a grovelling public Stalinist apology, simply for saying she wants to celebrate Christmas with her family?" "The idea that people should be forced to spend Christmas alone strikes me as absolutely horrifying". 

Would you break the “rule of six" to celebrate Christmas with your family?"

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