Friday, September 18, 2020

Questions for Jason Whitlock

 Jason Whitlock and Clay Travis have been making noise in the Sports Media world.

They are rejecting the WOKE nonsense that the corporate titans want us to ingest unthinkingly.  Whitlock has stated repeatedly that his religious background and his father were instrumental in his upbringing.  He's Fearless about using those bedrock principles as a shield against the nonsense that passes for 'activism' today.  I sent him these questions and requested an interview:


Mr. Whitlock,

I am an English teacher in a rough neighborhood school and I would like to interview you for not only my own small platform, but for posterity and my students.

I am at Mt. Vernon High School in NY, right above the Bronx county line. Our basketball program is legendary. We’ve produced Ray and Gus Williams, Rodney McCray, and recently, Ben Gordon. We compete for the NY State Basketball title every year.

It is your educational and schooling path, about which you’ve spoken recently, that got me interested in speaking with you. Your in-depth biographical interview with Clay Travis was incredible in its detail. Your father’s teachings, your mother pulling you out of school and sending you to the suburban school seem to have been some of the key ingredients in your development. It is this early era of your life I’d like to discuss.

In focusing on school / education, I’d like to ask you these four questions to begin:

  1. If you could get one do-over from your High School Academic experience, what would it be? In relation to that, what would be the one thing you’d stress to high school students in a district like mine if you were in front of the room for 45 minutes?
  2. LeBron James is reading The Autobiography of Malcolm X. (I had the same question you did - is he reading the same version I’ve read multiple times?) Relating to this, what book, or books would you list as required reading for every 11th or 12th grader in the black neighborhood? Or every American for that matter?
  3. When your mother moved you into the suburban school, you mentioned that your father was angry. Why was that the case? Classically, the suburban schools have better reputations and get better results. It seems counterintuitive, even though in the end it worked.
  4. There has been a concerted and consistent effort over the past century to remove not only religion from school, but theology itself. As someone who is up front about his faith, would you send your child to a parochial school? Public school? How would you counter the now rabid secular Marxist wave flooding the screens and minds of our young people?

Mr. Whitlock, you represent a unique place in American society. People see you as some sort of knee jerk contrarian. I don’t. It is your consistency in holding to bedrock western culture / American principles that sets you apart. You haven’t changed, society has.

I’ve used some of your videos with my Public Speaking Class 12th graders to show them how to craft an argument. Even if we never are able to connect, I’m going to take the time here to thank you for not only helping me provide material that has helped young adults, but for the greater effect of showing others that you don’t have to bend to pressure. You can remain standing and continually speak and write about what you know is good and true, however unpopular it may be.


Douglas Marolla

My writing is here.

My YouTube channel is here.

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