Friday, September 18, 2020

They Don't Believe Any of It

Dave Smith was talking on his podcast the other day how the politicians who are popping off about all this 'woke' bullshit don't believe any of it.  It was a good monologue.  He showed how what they say is never related to what they actually do.  

The woke stupidity is simply the schmaltz they spread over the idiotic populace in order to pacify them as they know that no one takes a close look at what they do.

Here is another example of what Smith was talking about:

"Democrats Scuttle Marijuana Decriminalization Vote Over Fears of Not Being Deferential Enough to Cop Lobbyists"

Loren, one of the posters at Michael Malice's site, shared this with the group.  It is a textbook example of not only how things work, but what these people believe.  They don't believe anything, if you can see through the bull they constantly spew.

"Defund the Police!"  Remember that?  

They won't even take marijuana off the schedule 1 list because the Cop Lobby doesn't want it that way.  The drug war is a big moneymaker for them.They 'lobby' congress (think: bribe) and so that's how it goes. 

They're waiting until after the election.  What they're actually doing is just waiting, because they know the Narrative that you'll be fed will be something different, and the useful idiots will be screaming about it on Facebook and Twitter. 

They know how the game is played.  They understand the uses of propaganda and the glaring intellectual limits of a Herd that's been schooled into oblivion.

Criminalizing Marijuana allows police to be violent with nonviolent people.  

And you thought "Defund the Police" was serious.

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