Saturday, August 8, 2020

The Strategy of Like Minded People

It's an easy trap within which to fall.

Too often, regular people are goaded into complaining, despairing, and worrying about the things going on in American society. The collapse of our institutions, the erosion of our freedoms, the idiotic fealty to the SJW ethos, and the Mindless Herd willing to follow (wearing a mask of course) the orders of an incompetent elite are enough to make you miserable. 

In the past I've fallen into the trap. It's part of their strategy. 

It shouldn't be part of your strategy. 

Groups of like minded people, willing to push back, are the thing that they don't want. Orgs like the Tenth Amendment Center, InPower, the Mises Institute, We Are Change, and Unauthorized.TV were all started by regular people. The Patreon lawsuit I mentioned in a previous video is being undertaken by nameless citizens, all tired of being pushed around. It's an old lesson. Don't be a pushover. Be a hard target unwilling to go down without a fight. 

You've been taught in schule that pulling yourself up by the bootstraps and rugged individualism are tired, anachronistic fake concepts from a bygone era. The reason you've been taught this is so that you won't take those concepts and allow them to become part of your mindset. There's a method to their madness. I'm not sure there's a method to yours. Despair is the virus. Like minded people are the cure.

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