Saturday, August 15, 2020

How to Follow the Narrative

It's getting easier to see which way the narrative winds are blowing.

The current Narrative is that you Have. To. Wear. A. Mask.

That's it.  It doesn't matter that there's no evidence for their effectiveness.  Nor does it matter that generations of people, dealing with the Seasonal Flu haven't used one before.  Science doesn't matter.  Math doesn't matter.  Nothing matters.

Mask Good.  No Mask Bad.

The amazing part of all of this is that some of us remember things like this:

That is from when Orange Man was talking about blocking travel to and from China.  Of course the story has changed over the months.  You're not expected to be able to remember way back in The Before Times, like 5 months ago.

"In late February and early March as the COVID-19 outbreak began accelerating in the US, hospitals and health facilities experienced severe shortages of personal protective equipment for healthcare workers. In response, experts like Fauci and the US Surgeon General Jerome Adams advised Americans against wearing masks. "

This was late February, when Orange was actively talking about the Chinese flu and saying it was dangerous.  Here's the Surgeon General:

Now, with COVID deaths much lower than they were in March, even talking or tweeting about NOT wearing a mask gets you banned from Big Tech Social Media:

"Conservative pundit Bill Mitchell has been kicked off Twitter, saying his opposition to face masks first earned him a suspension, which became permanent after he unwittingly violated the rules by tweeting from a second account. Mitchell announced his ban in a post on Parler on Friday, laying his Twitter handle to rest after accumulating more than 600,000 followers. Earning regular retweets from President Donald Trump, the account was a source of controversy, at times backing ‘QAnon’ conspiracy theories and voicing skepticism toward Covid-19, among other things."

The people who rule over us now want everyone to wear a mask.  Without getting too deep in the weeds, the reasons are the same as they always have been.  They want to win everything politically - there's an election coming up, and they want to control your behavior.  It sounds like hyperbole, but they want to be God.  

The way to identify those who don't accept cloddish, ignorant, arrogant, and clownish government bureaucrats as Gods is .... to see who won't slavishly wear a mask.  Even outside, in August, alone, only a heretic won't wear a mask.  That's how this game is being played, and that's the narrative.  For now.

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