Monday, August 17, 2020

Decline and Fall - NYC Edition

What happens when you have a mayor who paints BLM on the street, disbands the plainclothes detective unit in the NYPD, bends the knee, things communism is legit, wants to 'defund the police', gets 17% of the vote, and is an anachronistic, leftist fraud?

You get this:

There will be no nationwide anger or protests for this young black man's death.  No major media outlet will cover this tragedy.

I'll leave it up to you to figure out why.  My students know the answer.

I am usually upbeat about the future of NYC, as I remember the Crown Heights riots, NYC in the late 70's and early 80's, and the entire Dinkins administration.

However, as NYC is a Democrat / Liberal / Progressive stronghold, it means that this terrible situation will be made worse, as we're seeing now.

New Yorkers love them some government. We see this with the slavish devotion to the cloddish and overwrought CV19 rules put forth from incompetent and arrogant government officials.

I know that "The Matrix" is now a documentary.  I guess "Escape from New York" is as well.

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