Saturday, August 8, 2020

Progressive SJW Patreon Takes a Loss

You've never read a title like the one above.  When has the Progressive / Democrat / Liberal / SJW (I'll let you pick the label) cabal ever taken a loss in your lifetime?  Take all the time you need...

Patreon just took a huge legal death blow.  Because their faction of society has never lost, they are doubling and tripling down. How could they possibly lose?  They have all the right opinions, they and theirs virtue signal all the right tropes, and they're Big Tech!  This has been the attitude of not just Patreon, but of the Social Justice Warrior infected and crazed Silicon Valley.

From Vox Day's blog:

"Lawyer and YouTuber Viva Frei acquired a complete copy of the original backer arbitration claims - courtesy of the Norton Law Firm - and analyzes them as well as the judge's final ruling on the preliminary injunction:"

From the video:

"And there you have it, a thorough update and breakdown of the Patreon lawsuit and a further illustration of the fact that when you've stepped in poop, sometimes the best thing to do is stop walking around and tracking it everywhere. Patreon definitely stepped in poop, and by the way of their highly-questionable amendment after the fact to try to undo their own mistake, I think they have just tracked poo-poo all over their house, in their bedroom, in their bed, on their pillowcase... the poop is everywhere!"

Viva Frei has spoken about these constitutional arguments against Silicon Valley censorship in the past. He explains how Patreon is being hit with tortious interference. The lawsuit is showing you the angle to use: their own terms of service.

I think this is a game changer.

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