Thursday, August 6, 2020

The Urban Farmer Makes Money Growing Green$

Curtis Stone lives up in Canada. He started with nothing. He had no land, no money, and became a wealthy farmer ... all while living in a city in British Columbia. His 1/4 acre now makes $100K a year. After years of learning how to grow things that are tasty, healthy, and desireable, he now teaches others how to do the same thing.

He's now a wealthy man. I highly recommend his youtube channel.

I like to use people who have done things as examples and become wealthy. I'm tired of people who just talk, aren't you? Stone has now made a nice career helping people make money by growing things.

Here he shows you how one of his students makes over $1000 per week. There's another video on his channel where people make $10K a month doing the same thing in their basement. It's legal, healthy, and there is a demand for healthy food.

Please answer the following after watching the video:
  1. How did the young man learn how to grow the microgreens?
  2. In what way did he grow his business?
  3. What would you need to do to start this style or a similar type of business?

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