Saturday, August 1, 2020

Patreon v. Owen Benjamin: The Winds Change Direction

Big Tech and Silicon Valley have been pushing everyone around for years.

If you go against the Woke Mob, you'll be silenced, and, if you're a practitioner of wrong think, they will get you fired from your job.  Social Justice Warriors have no qualms about ruining reputations, deplatforming people, getting people fired, or taking resources away from people they don't like.

Who don't they like?  Anyone who has opinions that differ from theirs.  It used to be conservatives or libertarians who they targeted, but now it's anyone who dares not bend the knee before the stultifying and stupid brand of Woke Social Justice that passes for Progressive thought today.

The list of people who have been de-platformed, ruined, slandered, and destroyed is a long one.  The latest example is saying that the latest round of "protests" were violent.  If you're at all critical of BLM, then you're a target for the mob.  The blue check twitterati are worst, but the Campus, Hollywood, Woke Capital, and Silicon Valley (the worst offender) are all in on destroying anyone with reality based ideas.

Michael Malice calls it the 'Cathedral'.  Dave Rubin has 'left the left'.  Vox Day saw it before anyone else and has been telling people to 'build your own platforms' for years.

What I never understood over the years was why no one ever fought back.  The accused would take a beating, apologize for their heresy, and then, the apology seen by the Woke Mob as an admission of guilt, get completely 'disappeared'.  The baffling part was that some of these people were strong people of substance, and they were afraid to give SJW's the middle finger.

I think those days are over. People are now fighting back.

In the sports world, Clay Travis and Jason Whitlock have openly mocked the Masked Mafia supporting Corona-Chan, and broken away completely from ESPN, FOX, and big corporate.  They have built their own platform, are taking no prisoners, and getting rich.

Owen Benjamin, the Big Bear, is fighting the Beast directly.  Benjamin was kicked off of Patreon this past Fall.  Turns out, he has sued Patreon for tortious interference, and his followers have requested arbitration, as is their right following Patreon's terms of service.

This could bankrupt Patreon, and it is a glorious moment.  Messing with someone's livelihood because they aren't Woke enough may be coming to an end.  A judge has told Patreon that it MUST pay the arbitration fees, as stated in its original terms of service, and following California law.  The dollars that Patreon will have to pay will get really big really quickly.

I discuss the case here:

Others have now followed suit.  Lauren Southern looks like she'll do the same thing:

Tim Pool tells his half million followers that it's possible the end is near for Patreon:
Nick Rekieta runs a fantastic site on Youtube, Rekieta Law.  He's done the best work explaining what is happening to Patreon, and he's an expert attorney who's able to break down the issues for the layman.  The first blow in the Owen Benjamin v. Patreon video is fantastic:

Patreon, as I explained, thought it could get away with ignoring or rewriting the law because it's Patreon, one of the Woke Crowd, blessed by GoodThink.  Patreon got its ass handed to it 2 days ago. Nick Rekieta provides a post-mortem here:

I see this case as a change in the zeitgeist.  All you have to do is fight back.  You won't always win, but you will, at minimum, make yourself a hard target.

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