Monday, August 3, 2020

Rules for Thee, Not for Me

First off, the NFL decides to murder itself. I have no idea why:

As usual, the Covids, combined with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), has shown all of us that the rules for the little people will be severe, while the rules for the Elite will be ... nonexistent.  The NFL's decision to limit church service size is a unique one.  Why church?  The rank hypocrisy is the same it's been all along: the rules not only don't apply to the elite, as I'll show later, but the also don't apply if you're 'protesting racism'.  

At some point, Big Sportsball will realize that it's doing a Patreon, but by then it will be too late.  It takes a special brand of ignorance to put forth a rule like this, especially after they showed us that crowded church services aren't really a big deal:

Look at the gathering in church at John Lewis' funeral.  The crowd is pretty substantial.  Some people weren't wearing masks.  God forbid if an NFL player were in that crowd - it would be terrible.  Although, it probably wouldn't be a problem.  I doubt there'd be any repercussions as this was an 'approved' event.

As I write this, in NYC, you can't have a funeral unless all social distancing rules are followed, and the funeral can ONLY have immediate family.  A good friend of mine wanted to have a service and burial for his mother in the DR, but couldn't.  Corona, didn't you know?  A 15 yr old student is still wondering why her older brother didn't have a proper send off.  The Corona crushed that plan.

But the Elite burying one of their own?  In a crowded church?  That's fine.

The masses will never see this for what it is.  What I tell my high school students is that the only fix is to surround themselves with those who see this obvious and disgusting level of hypocrisy clearly.

Don't waste your time with people who create gigantic bowls of word salad defending The Elites.  They're too far gone.  You can't save them.  Don't waste your time trying.  

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