Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The Backlash Against Woke - Build Your Own Platform

There is a movement going on.  If you're only looking at Corporate Media, you're not only cloddish, you're missing out on the movement completely.

"Build your own platforms".  I remember reading one of Vox Day's posts on this years ago.  Vox is the Godfather of the movement, telling conservatives to stop complaining and crying, and build their own platforms.  Vox Day has been kicked off of everything except Blogger, which is too scared to pull his site.

The latest 'build your own platform' success story is at Outkick, the sports site where Jason Whitlock, Clay Travis, and David Chao have partnered to build a $99 a year subscription site.  It has been a smashing success.   They are getting rich.

Here's the quote from Mr. Whitlock that sparked this post:

"That’s why I departed corporate media to partner on my own platform."

Why did Whitlock leave ESPN, then leave an extremely lucrative gig on Fox Sports?

Because now he simply cannot be fired.  Whitlock and Travis don't buy into the fact free Covids Death Cult.  They are center right politically.  They abhor the Woke nonsense with 72 genders and bending the knee to the leftist grabble.  The thing that sets them off, particularly with Whitlock, is that he's a Christian, and uses it as a baseline for his craft and beliefs.

This drives them crazy.

Here's the elegant simplicity of having Your Own Platform.  You can't be fired.  If you write common sense information about The Novel Coronavirus, they will have you fired.  How many sports people, university professors, and journalists have been de-platformed or fired recently?  Lots.

Now people can't call ESPN, or FOX, or any of the converged Big Tech platforms and have any of the Outkick crew fired for saying that there are 2 genders.  Or that the United States is the least racist country in the world.  Or that Christianity is a good way to live a moral life.

The Daily Beast just ran a hit piece against Whitlock and Outkick.  It will have no effect.  I suspect it will get them more subscribers, making them more rich.  

Jason Whitlock brushed off the piece as one would remove lint from a sweater.  At one point, he goes into Beast Mode.

Here is the best part of the article, which I recommend:

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