Friday, August 28, 2020

More From Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

How to navigate the maelstrom of narratives swirling around you.

The Kennedys are are seen as heroes in recent American history.  Kurt, one of the best posters on locals said: "RFK Jr. is the one rogue Kennedy who tries to blow the whistle on the CIA and Allen Dulles. Of course, the wikipedia for him will include in the first sentence that he's antivax, which discredits everything he's ever said."

It's funny because all he ever says is that vaccines should go through the same vetting process that everything else does. It's a pretty mild take, but because vaccines are the Religion of the Prog, one must never do anything but genuflect before them.

This is what you're never supposed to notice.  Big Pharma, the evil specter of the Sackler family and other Pharmaceutical trans national corporations, is a money grubbing capitalistic horror show.  This is spoken of openly by the NYTimes, CNN, New Yorker crowd.

Unless you're talking about vaccines.  Then Big Pharma the second coming of Jesus and your'e a sick weirdo for even bringing it up.

This cognitive dissonance is what you're supposed to accept.  You're not supposed to ask any questions. You're supposed to stay quiet.

They will ruin your finances and health if it allows them more money and power.  You're a member of the herd, according to these people.  You're tax cattle.  Your job is to be sheared and then slaughtered. The dark irony of it all is that they can rely on the 80% of the population that is ballast to do their public relations for them.

Think I'm wrong?  Put it out there on FB that you think vaccines should be vetted, and the corporate connections be analyzed.

Let me know how that works out for you.

From Youtube:

Nephew of President John F. Kennedy, son of Robert F. Kennedy, and tireless crusader against the tyranny of the mainstream medical establishment, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. joins today's Liberty Report to discuss his startling discoveries about who really killed his father and uncle...and why. Plus, Mr. Kennedy, an environmental lawyer, has been among the most vocal and most successful opponents of the mainstream medical establishment, driven by big Pharma to inoculate and medicate everything that moves. He tells the Liberty Report how he very reluctantly decided to dedicate his career to fighting the mandatory vaccines that have resulted in so many documented injuries to the recipients.

Mr. Kennedy's Children's Health Defense can be found at 

He can also be found on Instagram: @robertfkennedyjr 

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