Thursday, August 27, 2020

Schooled Into Oblivion

Let's look at recent events in the NBA.

This is a picture of the Milwaukee Bucks giving a press conference, talking about their demands for law enforcement and government in Milwaukee.

Of course, the first thing that you look for in the clown world today is the fact that they're not 6 feet apart. You should know that we're retrofitting schools (at great expense) and other public areas so that desks are a minimum of 6 feet apart. Why are they exempt?  Where are the Karens and blue check Twitter types screaming into the sky?

The other manifestation going on here is that you have a bunch of people who have hit the genetic lottery and are tall, fantastic athletes, and have been catered to their entire lives. That's all I see.  When you read their demands, you'll see that tucked away at the end there is to vote on November 3rd. I wonder for whom they wish you to vote?

What you're witnessing is a society that has been schooled into oblivion. These NBA players have been showered with affection and told they’re wonderful their entire lives. They believe that because they’re popular and rich, that they have a louder and better voice than the regular working person. Not only that, you see how they are standing there as if they were in a church praying that they, through their prayer, can get their will done. They resemble a bunch of progressives 100 years ago praying that the effects of ‘demon rum’ will be thwarted.

It's a long story, but the destruction of American Civil society particularly the forces that were identified during the Reece Commission in the 1950s, have begun to bear fruit. You have the complete obliteration of religion, replaced by what you see in the picture above. You have an entire dismissal of the concept that one is supposed to do some research and find things out first, before you shout out your uninformed take.

The berserk apotheosis of all of this is personified in the figure of LeBron James. Because he is the best basketball player on the planet he has been taught, and we have been taught in our schooling, that his opinion and his views are better than others. This is a man who didn't go to college, has no degrees that I know of, yet he is seen as the standard bearer.  If he were to speak in public and have unpopular opinions on COVID lockdowns, the first thing they'd say is that he's "not an expert".  But somehow in the realm of sociology, law enforcement, policing and political science, he's a God. And no one says a word. Ok.

The incredible emptiness of what's being said and done, particularly in the sports world, is easy to identify. You have the complete gutting of a rich, dignified, intellectually rigorous system engineered to create thoughtful students, and you've had it replaced with programs that sound good.

To think that the Milwaukee Bucks team has any say or any clout over the Wisconsin legislature or government is laughable. But these people have been taught that popular sports players and figures of authority are different and better. As John Calvin preached, the Bucks NBA roster are members of the ‘Elect’, and you are a lowly peasant.

This incident in Wisconsin is a microcosm of many things, including the recent news that players are talking about stopping play or shutting down the NBA season / playoffs. Only a group of people schooled into oblivion and completely bereft of regular life in America could come up with such a thoughtless, spoiled, and infantile reaction.

Let them shut the whole thing down. This brand of clueless and arrogant ignorance has only one fix, and it’s the one they’re suggesting. Let them do it. The ancient lesson of hubris, shown in classics like The Odyssey, will emerge. That’s one of the lessons they used to teach in school.

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