Sunday, August 30, 2020

Overplaying Your Hand - NBA and MLB Edition

We are witnessing some of the worst decision making in the history of business. Professional sports, particularly the NBA and Major League Baseball, has lost its collective mind. They are going full bore Woke. The league, from the top executives on down, is canceling games and refusing to play. By reacting to Woke Twitter and the whims of BLM, pro basketball and baseball are doing what will be seen in the future as audience destroying moves.

No one cares what basketball players think about politics. Especially when their "take" is the same take as woke media, woke capital, and woke everything else. They have the coldest takes out there, and they're punishing their fans by virtue signaling and denying their (dwindling) fans the product

As I write this the NBA players are playing in "the bubble". Now we see that it's both a literal and a metaphorical bubble.  One has to be oblivious to reality to think that the SJW narrative plays well with fans.

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