Thursday, July 2, 2020

When Things are Upside Down

At the same time that there are protests, riots and looting, there is also a pride parade. For these events, it looks to me like the twin ideas of 'social distancing' and 'wearing a mask' are optional. They are not optional at my local playground here in the Bronx. Well meaning moms are getting pushed around if they or their children don't have masks on. In the playground. Outside.

If that makes sense to you you'll love Upside Down World. 

When you're in a state like NY, and a country like The Fake America, this is how it's done. People go for it because they're taught to obey authority in school, and not much else. The only consistent thing in all of this is the fact that people will do as they're told. I could have looted and burned stuff on Fordham Road, and maybe made a little $$ on the side. They weren't worried about that, nor were they heavy on the arrests. Instead I'm following the rules and paying the $75 red light camera ticket I got the other week. 

When following the rules and obeying the laws makes you a chump, it signals the inevitable end. It's only a question of timing.

The thumbnail above is from the June 28th NY Times.  Odd how the 'mask' thing is suddenly not important at all.  Think about that when you have your child's playtime, or schooling disturbed by the new rules, or "The New Normal".  The reason why "The New Normal" isn't enforced here is because they approve of the message.  No one will comply with your thoughts and opinions when it comes to your life and needs.  This is intentional. You're supposed to accept nonsense, bend the knee, and show sufficient enthusiasm for whatever they put in front of you, no matter how absurd.

I love the joy and free spirits shown in the NY Times picture.  It's what I love about NYC.

It would be nice if we all could just be left alone to celebrate like the people in the picture.  Too bad the Promethean Power Elite had to do what they always do: push it too far and OD on their own power.

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