Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Jason Whitlock and The Reaction: RIP Mekhi James

In school we read Arthur Miller's "The Crucible" and we connected it to McCarthyism.  McCarthyism, taught to us as in irrational red baiting witch hunt, was seen as a great evil.

We are living in that era now.  Interestingly the 'witch hunt' part of it is suddenly fine.

If you have opinions that don't perfectly ally with the current wave (BLM, Corona-Chan, 2020 Election), then you are a heretic and should be deplatformed, fired, ruined, or physically attacked.

Jason Whitlock has made a career out of being a normal guy, pointing out the obvious.  This makes him unique.  It also makes him vilified and called all sorts of names.  His very existence shows that not only is the social media SJW crowd insanely hypocritical, it doesn't care about its hypocrisy.

Once you make that last conceptual leap, it's easier to understand these people.

Whitlock's latest column shows why he's my favorite columnist.  His views are right there, easy to understand, and logical.  This makes him an enemy of the forces that are trying to take over every part of your existence:

Jaden McNeill tweeted out a crass and insensitive tweet about George Floyd.  Whitlock points out the power that this clownish young man now has.  

The victim mentality on display here is astounding.  It's also the trap that has been sprung on communities that need it the least.  Like they're injecting despair into everyone's mind, the victim mentality is the thing they use to divide and conquer.  It's effective.

Whitlock ends his article with the most obvious and powerful bit of hypocrisy of the BLM movement today; the thing you're not allowed to mention at all, for obvious reasons:

"McNeil will relish his infamy and martyrdom. Our racial divide will widen. And everyone will continue pretending that George Floyd’s lost life means a thousand times more than Mekhi James’ lost life.

Never heard of Mekhi James? Never seen a celebrity influencer reference Mekhi James when tweeting “Say His Name!?”

Google Mekhi James, just another three-year-old child caught in the random gang crossfire commonplace in major cities. His life apparently didn’t matter."

Try bringing up Mekhi James' name on social media.  The sad, disgusting and pathetic response you'll get from your 'woke' friends will amaze you.  You will become the target.  You will be called all sorts of vile names, the least of which will be 'racist'.  All this, for bringing up the name and the tragic way a 3 year old black boy died.

People used to laugh at me when I talked about the Top of the Pyramid using mind control.  

Now they see what I was talking about.

Jason Whitlock

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