Saturday, June 27, 2020

3 Gorges Dam Rumored to be at Risk: Major Flooding in China

From the NTD News Channel YouTube Page:

"As pouring rain continues to soak central and southern #China, an expert warns that the Three Gorges Dam, one of the world's largest #dams, is at risk of collapse. The Three Gorges Dam is built above the #Yangtze River and situated in China’s Hubei province.

A branch of China's Yangtze River is bracing for the largest flood ever in 80 years. Authorities have evacuated 40,000 locals, issuing a yellow alert for rainstorms. On Saturday, June 20, water inside the Three Gorges Dam reservoir rose 6 feet above the warning level. 

Chinese authorities insist that the dam is structurally sound, but a famed hydrologist, Wang Weiluo, said the dam is of poor quality, and can't provide flood protection."


400 million people live downstream from the dam.  The cities of Shanghai and, yes, Wuhan are downstream. I don't know if this is simply anti-Chinese agitprop by the usual suspects, or if the story is true.

If that dam goes, it will be the most destructive and deadly public works disaster human history, and nothing will ever equal it.  Go to google maps and look at the dam - it's gigantic.

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