Friday, July 3, 2020

How They Win and How You Lose

The formula is reasonably simple.  1) Paint someone out to be a monster ("literally Hitler", "Putin's puppet", "racist"), then 2) keep the lazy American's media and social media feed filled with that message.

That's all it takes.

Then, the real issues get ignored and the real money continues to flow into their hands, as well as monstrous amounts of influence.

This is what I'm talking about:

It's quite amazing.  House Democrats are working hard, and succeeding, at keeping the War Machine going full speed.  Trump, the person you see as the embodiment of all evil ("Racist!!") is trying to reduce the US Military footprint in Afghanistan.  He's making an anti-war move.

The man you'll vote for, Biden, is already positioned to keep troops in the area forever.  The usual excuse eternal war and everything else, Putin and Russia! has already been trotted out for the masses.  The propaganda about "bounties" was released - the NY Times did its job.

This is how they win.  This is the formula.  While you're arguing about statues and race online, the nearly trillion dollar war machine just racked up a major win.  And Trump is trying to stop it.

Think about that for a minute.

Maybe you're ready to adjust where you get your information.

The first step for you to stop getting constantly bamboozled and snookered is to not only ignore your Facebook friends, but find better sources of news.  I like politics, and I enjoy reading and being informed.  What I don't do is listen to uninformed progressive nonsense on Facebook.

Jack Baruth put it best: "The goal of America’s ruling class is simple, and consistent with the goals its predecessors throughout history have always held: namely, to preserve its position at all costs. It does this by co-opting the anger pointed in its direction by the disenfranchised and redirecting that anger to the class below."

You get told who is bad, the race card gets played, and your emotions get manipulated.  Meanwhile, the banks got the biggest handout in human history, you got $1200, and now the Military Industrial Complex will block the Commander in Chief from ending the flow of money and power.

While this is going on you're fighting 'racism', advocating for tearing down statues, and cheering on the people in #CHOP.

It's amazing to watch.

So what do you do?

Reading Glenn Greenwald and his articles is a good first step.  What he's done in the above linked article is show you that you're being guided and manipulated to believing the opposite of what's happening.

"Orange Man Bad" is not a political philosophy.  It makes you look and sound ridiculous.

There is a method to their madness, as seen above.  I don't think there's a method to yours.

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