Monday, July 6, 2020

Summer School 2020: Welcome!

I'll be posting things from summer school here, as well as some of the usual content for the next few weeks.

Summer school 2020 is all digital this year.  Presenting interesting content and getting students to buy in is somewhat similar to having a website that people go to regularly.  It helps to have material that is both enjoyable and interesting.

Teachers sometimes present stories, material or information that is prepackaged and dull.  They get away with it because they can.  An instructor's false authority allows him to know that the student must view and respond to it because  the specter of "getting credit" and a "grade" is there as a threat.

We've all had teachers like that.  I focus on not being that guy.

Here is my short introductory video.  I'm using my Vimeo channel for this project.  I like the Vimeo interface.  I also need to practice using that platform as youtube is now erasing people and censoring, and I don't know when a subversive element like yours truly will get vaporized.

Summer School 2020 Welcome from Douglas Marolla on Vimeo.

"Welcome to our Summer School 2020 English class. Listen for a few minutes as to how I do things, and what my philosophy is.

Let's use the digital classroom to the fullest: submit all kinds of responses so that we can have a Great Conversation and talk about interesting things

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