Sunday, July 26, 2020

School Reopening Update: NWO Edition

There is something of a battle going on. If you look closely you'll see it.

The schools have become indoctrination centers. The Education Industrial Complex, most recently through the NEA and Common Core, has worked to create unthinking, emotional, helpless, ahistorical drones. You can see it from the Establishment response to The Novel Coronavirus. The Elite seek to have everyone on UBI, have 'Medicare for All', and be happy with that. It's called Learned Helplessness. This has been the obvious goal for a long time:

Eliminate the American entrepreneurial spirit.

  • Why do you think your local school system mocks 'rugged individualism'? 
  • Why do you think they spit constantly on Western, Christian culture? 
  • Why do you think they hate Charter Schools, where students must work hard to get rewarded? 
  • Why is every single alternative lifestyle not only recognized, but actively pushed? 
  • Why do you think the nuclear family is something they want to destroy? BLM has that goal up front on their website. No Establishment voice seems to have an issue with that. 

This has been a long march. The Reece Commission in the 1950's discovered what had taken control of the Public School system, and the commission and its findings were memory holed. None of this is new. 

Now they have a problem. The Grand Project to dismantle these United States requires school to do its work. If you close the schools, who will do the indoctrinating? But if you open the schools, the Covid-19 death narrative takes a big loss. What do you do? If you want unfree, brainwashed drones, you must keep the schools open. But if you actively do that, then the latticework holding up the CV19 farcical forced response crumbles. 

You going to open schools with 'social distancing' rules in place? Yeah right. What they're proposing will last about 48 seconds in the school I work. The New World Order has been very successful, especially the past few months. 

Now they have a problem. We'll see how they handle it in the next few weeks.

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