Monday, July 27, 2020

The Enemy of the People: The Media and Gary Webb

At this stage of the game, you have to wonder why anyone believes the Government - Media Complex.  Stated differently, you should wonder why you believe anything the Corporate Media says - EVER.

Webb, after his Dark Alliance series was written, realized that he'd previously won awards and accolades because he'd never written anything that needed to be hidden.

Then he exposed the Deep State and the CIA's guilt in flooding the Black neighborhood with Crack Cocaine.

  • The mainstream media ignored him
  • The government denied the story.
  • They ruined Webb's story, driving him to "suicide".


Here's what we're working on today:

Gary Webb (RIP) got this story and wrote about it for the newspaper, the San Jose Mercury-News in 1995.

At first, the other news media honored the story and it was popular. People were shocked that the government and the media, working with the drug cartels, would do such a terrible thing. The conspiracy to fund their project in Nicaragua at the cost of destroying generations of the black neighborhood was incredible.
  1. What happened next is described by Webb in the video. Please answer the following quesions after watching the entire video:
  2. What had Gary Webb figured out regarding the selling of crack in the black neighborhood?
  3. Why didn't the government react at all to the story? Why were they silent?
  4. What did Webb's employer do to him?
  5. Gary Webb is no longer alive. How did he die? (Look it up if you don't know. You won't believe it)

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