Saturday, July 25, 2020

Goodbye Seattle

One of my friends at Locals posted this letter from the Seattle Police Department.  This will be one of those things the Robot Historians of the future will show children as they sift through the country formerly known as These United States.

There are certain core principles that undergird a successful society.  One of them is private property. When the government shirks its most basic responsibility, one that is easy to understand and at the core of societal stability, it marks a clear beginning of the end.

Notice how the letter clearly explains that the city council has left Seattle PD with no choice but to NOT deal with "demonstrations and unrest".  As the council has banned non-lethal means of breaking  up demonstrations and unrest, SPD won't do it.  They are very clear.

This is a blank check to have a 'protest'.  Stated differently, it's a license to steal.

One question I always ask when I see something like this is "who benefits?"  It's the first thing I thought of when John posted this on Locals.  Is this a real estate ploy?  Get the Normies out of town, then swoop in and get the land cheap?  Maybe in this case there is no nefarious ulterior motive.  Perhaps its just the entire city council on Level 11 Virtue Signaling mode, letting the entire world know that they're 'Woke!"

A couple of final points:
  • What about Covid?  Wouldn't a demonstration violate the Covid Worldwide Pandemic prevention codes?
  • This will continue the massive uptick in gun sales.  I have bought stock in Ruger. 
  • The cities will de-populate.
  • I'm looking at land prices in New Hampshire.
  • Goodbye Seattle.  First, the SuperSonics, now this.

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