Saturday, July 11, 2020

How They Endlessly Snooker The Herd

I got mildly rebuked by an old NYC 'progressive' woman yesterday.

I walk around my area of the Bronx without a mask.  It's quite easy, I just walk in the spirit of protesting for Social Justice.  As we know, that's more important than worrying about The Novel Coronavirus.  It's also necessary.  That's what we're told.

As I was walking, Old Progressive was talking to a guy in his truck, and she tossed a "and some people just don't give a sh!t", referring to my non mask wearing self.

I bring this up because while this Triassic Era NYC liberal woman, with all the correct opinions was actively angry at me, this happened:

Greenwald, one of the few honest brokers left in the media, not only wrote a fantastic article about the pro-war bipartisan faction of FedGov, but points out how they do it:

"Perhaps most remarkable is the amount of the military budget itself. It is three times more than the planet’s second-highest military spender, China; it is ten times more than the third-highest spender, Saudi Arabia; it is 15 times more than the military budget of the country most frequently invoked by Committee members as a threat to justify militarism: Russia; and it is more than the next 15 countries combined spend on their military. They authorized this kind of a budget in the midst of a global pandemic as tens of millions of newly unemployed Americans struggle even to pay their rent.

How does this happen? How do Democrats succeed in presenting an image of themselves based on devotion to progressive causes and the welfare of the ordinary citizen while working with Liz Cheney to ensure that vast resources are funneled to the weapons manufacturers, defense sector and lobbyists who fund their campaigns? Why would a country with no military threats from any sovereign nation to its borders spend almost a trillion dollars a year for buying weapons while its citizens linger without health care, access to quality schools, or jobs? Who are the people in Congress doing this, and why?"

Greenwald answers the question by stating that these issues are boring.  He's right.

The Corporate Press is much more willing to have the WEAR A MASK debate, as the NYC Progressive Dinosaur was willing to have with me.  She's the poster child for how the game is played.  Old Lady was ginned up about my mask habits outside (!), and has no idea that her party, the one she's unthinkingly voted for since the FDR administration, has sold her and her progeny down the river.  

The Top of the Pyramid is doing the best divide and conquer act in history.  Masks, statues, cancel culture, COVID-19 ... these are the things people are screaming about in person and on antisocial media.

Meanwhile, the wealth gap widens, and Big Corp and those connected to DC enrich themselves.

Greenwald's gift for distilling current affairs is here:

"These are questions that are rarely examined in media venues. News sites, op-ed pages and especially 24-hour cable news are obsessed with trivialities: Trump’s latest tweet or offhand remark in a rally; symbolic culture war distractions in which Congress plays little role; the offensive remarks of people who wield little power. As a result, what the U.S. government really does — in the bowels of the Congress and in the underbelly of sub-committee proceedings — receives little substantive attention."

Admit it, he's right.  You know more about Trump's twitter history than you do about what's going on in your own Federal Government.  

The answer? Avoid Corporate Media.

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