Monday, July 13, 2020

Having Your Cake and Eating it Too - Trunk / Minneapolis Edition

Here's an interesting turn of events:

This is the new formula.  The old formula was that the Federal Government would unthinkingly send millions of dollars to local organizations, politically connected of course, and the money would flow.

You should be happy that Donald Trunk (NSFW) isn't sending money to Minneapolis.  It fosters something you teach your children: accountability.

The local government told law enforcement to stand down. The rioters and looters destroyed lives, stores, careers, hopes and dreams.  Now they want someone they've called 'literally Hitler', 'racist', Drumpf, and a whole host of terrible things .... to come in and foot the bill for their lack of leadership.

If someone called you 'racist' for three and a half years, what would you give them?  Be honest and brave in your answer.

And Hotep Jesus called it as well.  He knows how the formula works:  Have a violent, destructive incident, and then get your cronies involved in the recovery and get paid.  Hotep Jesus' point was that the Black Community is almost never involved in securing the funds.

Now the people connected to power, who let the city burn, won't be able to enrich their friends either. Now the local governments are on the hook for their decisions.  This is how it's supposed to be.  You learned it in school.  It's called Federalism.

"Orange Man Bad" isn't a political strategy.  Letting regular people's lives get destroyed because the local mayor and state governor are too afraid of bad PR is also not political strategy.  It certainly isn't leadership.

Good for Trunk.  It's about time someone held local politicians feet to the fire.  You teach your 6th grader accountability.  Why isn't it applicable grown people?  Especially those who chose to run for leadership positions?

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