Wednesday, July 15, 2020

A Nail in the School Industrial Complex Coffin

"I understand that $50,000 a year is a lot for college, but they need the 'college experience' and the time on campus'".

This is one of the things parents, teachers, and guidance counselors all say to justify the absurd tuition rates.

What if you're going to school on Zoom?  Never leaving your house, listening to lectures on 'Dismantling Whiteness" or "Race and Public Space"?  How much will you pay for that?  What is it worth to you?

Harvard recently announced that their $50K tuition will remain the same, even though Corona! has shut down the campus and classes will be done digitally.

Harvard might be able to afford that decision.  There are enough people who are willing to spend $50K a year to simply buy the credential.  For now anyway.

Southwestern Podunk State can't afford to do that.  Most universities can't.

When the Robot AI Historians write the history of this time, I think they'll recognize this as a turning point in the timeline.

Pay for classes on Zoom?  They can get away with it for a while, but not forever.

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