Saturday, July 18, 2020

The Woodpile Report.

Ol' Remus has gone home.

After writing The Woodpile Report for many years, Remus had a quick 3 week battle with cancer, and then he went to the next level.

Tuesday mornings will never be the same.  I used to not only get informed, but also amused by his witty and smart writing style.

Someday I hope to have acquired a style as effective as his.

Remus linked to the news, and commented on it in a way that was direct.  To say that it was politically incorrect does it a disservice.  Remus was above that nonsense.  He was so bare bones truthful that even the hardest edged of us tipped our hat to Ol' Remus.

To be linked on The Woodpile Report was a badge of honor.  There was no blog.  There were no ads. There was no video.  There were no grammatical or mechanical errors.  There was no teenage clutter.

There was a frank analysis of the news.  There was honesty.  There were timeless bits of advice.  There were wonderful old ads that made you wish for an America long gone.

In this comparatively new internet world, The Woodpile Report was anachronistic.

"Stay away from crowds" was one bit of advice he gave us, to help us navigate the crumbling USA.

I hear you old man.  Even now that you're gone.

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