Thursday, July 9, 2020

Here's What Also Happened While Your Friends Were Virtue Signaling Online

Remember the peaceful protests a few weeks ago?  I do.

I also remember that our Overlords told us that we weren't allowed to call them 'riots' or the people involved 'looters'.

Of course the most grotesque thing, as it always is with these things, was the shameless virtue signaling and status jockeying by your friends on social media.  People howling on FB and IG about how 'the rioters were mostly white', or that they were 'mostly black, or insisting that they were 'peaceful'....

If you deviated from any of the Approved Messages given to you by the Corporate Media Titans, you were ostracized and shamed.

Turns out there were real people involved.  One of the few real investigative reporters left, Michael Tracey, has documented the damage to real people, people who've lost livelihoods.

If you brought these people up in the conversation, you were accused of being a heretic and thrown in the river to see if you could float.


Contact your nearest vacated, soulless, progressive virtue signaling moronic social media friend, the one who did all the politically correct things on social media, and put this in her face.  It won't do any good, as that person is an empty husk, but it will be cathartic for you.

Full link to many more pictures at the bottom.  Michael Tracey is legit, and I recommend following him.

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