Friday, June 5, 2020

Human Nature

"Habit is thus the enormous flywheel of society, its most precious conservation agent. It alone is what keeps us all within the bounds of ordinance, and saves the children of fortune from the envious uprisings of the poor..." - William James.

With the events of the George Floyd murder in Minneapolis, we are seeing Human Nature work its confusing magic.  The people I've spoken with, as you would expect, are horrified by what they saw.  

Then, the reaction happened.  

I often go the Saul Alinsky route and tell students that the reaction is the thing to pay attention to.  People show their true colors after the fact.  They let you know what they really want.  They say what they really feel.  It isn't the action to analyze, it's the reaction.

The regular people and students I talk to are completely against the destruction, looting, stealing, fire and thievery.  In my interview with a student from Haiti she was abundantly clear about how she was against the looting.  She's seen mob rule.  She knows struggle.  

Conversely, Chuck Schumer and his ilk are on record that they respect the 'protestors'.  They are not only are OK with them, they see looting and violence as good and necessary.  Don Lemon and Fredo Cuomo had a particularly distasteful and tone deaf conversation about this.  2 wealthy men with no connection to struggle trying to be down - it was awful.

Tucker Carlson, on Fox, of all places, seems to see what I see.  Progressive politicians were speaking in unison about the legitimacy of the looters.  They are now speaking in unison, talking about 'defunding the police'.  They, or their paymasters, understand Human Nature.  With law enforcement gone or weakened, it will cause chaos and there will be a power vacuum.  It's one they intend to fill.

Those at the top of the pyramid will use those at the bottom to cement their stations in life, and put those at the bottom in an ever shrinking pen.  They've been doing it for centuries.  They aren't stopping now.  

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