Saturday, June 6, 2020

Clown World Fake America

People wonder why I use the terms "clown world" and "fake America" all the time.

I think it's pretty obvious.  Isn't it obvious to you too?  Here's an easy example.  Remember way back, about 12 days ago, when the protests against the lockdowns in Michigan were inappropriate, dangerous and ... wait for it ... racist?

What happened?

Now you have the cheering and acceptance of 'protests'.  They never lifted lockdown rules in NY.  I live in NYC.  There have been protests for over a week.  I have yet to see anyone condemning those people for risking everyone's lives because Covid-19.  That's not totally true.  There was a story, for about a millisecond, about how the 'protests' were possibly going to cause a "second wave".  That story came and went, as it distracted from The Current Narrative.

You simply cannot have it both ways.  Not with the Remnant anyway, not with the top 20%.

While this woman is clownish, at least she's a good order follower:

Michael Tracey is in New Jersey, right across the river from me.  Their governor has extended the lockdowns into July.  Think about that if you see any 'protests' there.  Rhett, at Malice's locals site found this gem:

Tracey is right, by the way, about using the word 'protests'.  A protest is a push against organized power.  This is no such thing.  All of The Establishment, from the Mayor of NYC, to Hollywood, to the College Campus Industrial Complex, is for the 'protests'.  By definition, these are Cathedral - Sanctioned events.

This picture encapsulates what is going on nationally here in Fake America:

I'll leave you with this one.  Chase bank is the head of the Oligarchy snake.  It epitomizes everything wrong with our spoiled, decadent, clown world Fake America.  The Chase CEO, kneeling in front of a bank vault, well, this is beyond parody.  

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