Thursday, June 4, 2020

The Coronavirus is Woke

What changed?

That's the question asked by Paul Joseph Watson, and it's a good one.  Not too long ago, (ok last week) we were being scolded by the Corporate Media for playing in the park with our children.  We are still told we can't go to a bar or restaurant - we have to get take-out or delivery.

On a grand scale, they were howling about states like Georgia, Florida, Texas and Missouri re-opening.  Didn't they know they were taking a super risk?!  The virus was going to come back with a vengeance!

What changed?  Where did all the virus fear go?  Where's Karen harping on us about the need to Social Distance and wear a mask?  Why aren't they saying anything about this?
So I can't go to a restaurant with my family, because of "sOciAl DistAnCing", but somehow this is OK, according to the Corporate Press. Where is the outcry about the danger?  Of course, there isn't any, because this is something they like.

Paul Joseph Watson does a good job pointing out the stupidity of the Media, the Political Class, and the dolts who follow them:

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