Monday, June 22, 2020

Hotep Jesus and Thaddeus Russell Go Off Script

"We need to have a conversation about race."

Really?  Ok, let's have one.

Hotep Jesus and Thaddeus Russell sit down and have a conversation about many things, one of them is race in America.  What will cause heads to explode is the fact that Hotep Jesus represents everything that The Establishment, as well as your 'progressive' friends don't like.  He not only thinks for himself, he has the intellectual background to defend his positions.

Thaddeus Russell, the author of The Renegade History of the United States, exists to tell the side of the story that you don't know.  He tells the part of history that has been deliberately removed from the history books.  He's my kind of guy.

This conversation is almost 3 hours.  It felt like 45 minutes, and the last hour is particularly interesting.

Don't show this to your close minded friends.  It will ruin the friendship.

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