Monday, June 22, 2020

It is Always Year Zero: T. Roosevelt Statue Cancelled

When it's Year Zero every year, and there is no history, everything is problematic.

They are planning on taking down the Theodore Roosevelt statue outside the Museum of Natural History.  It is 'problematic' and represents 'colonial expansion'.

The facts about history don't matter at all, as there are no facts and there is no history.  TR is one of my least favorite presidents, but taking down a statue that's been there since 1940 is pretty ridiculous. Someone else agrees with me, and will eventually be proven right in November, in a BIG way:

They're going to have to sandblast Mount Rushmore as well.  The best part of all of this Salem Witch Trial era is that there seems to be a movement on Twitter to cancel Yale.  Now that's funny. And wonderfully appropriate as well ... if you look at history.  Elihu Yale wasn't just ok with slavery, he was a slave trader.  The New World Order is joined at the hip with Yale - Skull and Bones and all of that.  It will be interesting to see if they allow their 'useful idiots', their minions, to change the name of their beloved schule.

Take one last look at TR before he gets sent to the glue factory along with Boxer.

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