Saturday, June 20, 2020

COVID-19 Conspiracy Fact

At some point, you'll back away from the Corporate Media and figure it out.

You should know the conspiracy community has been on this one for a long time, and, as usual, they were right.  While you were fearful and addled on CV19 disinformation, the massive globalist corporations were planning on making even smaller the ever shrinking pen for you to roam.

Imagine if someone had told you that this "pandemic" was a plot to track your every move?  That they would use the excuse of COVID-19 to watch you, to place you into their controller fantasy panopticon?

Would you have listened?  Probably not.  "It's a PANDEMIC don't you get it?!"  That's the response I got.  Even though no one under the age of 18 has died of COVID in Florida.  It's more probable you die on your drive to work than you die of COVID.  There is no correlation between the 'lockdowns' and the spread of COVID.

None of that matters.

As Cierra said in the previous interview: "They scared us."

They also played you.

She gets it.  Why don't you?

This is now on your iPhone or Android.

I told you so.

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