Saturday, April 4, 2020

How the Narrative Shapes and Re-Shapes Despite COVID-19

There are going to be some rabbit holes presented here, lots of inconsistencies, and a heavy dose of conspiracy.

I don't fully know what to think about the Novel Coronavirus, and neither do you.  But this is the kind of material I share with students.  Not to tell them what to think, but to show them how to think.  When a young mind is told to process information and make its own decision, amazing things happen.  The student in your 9th grade English class comes back to you as a 12th grader and is a totally different person.

I've had scores of students tell me that they are awake, and they can never go back to sleep.  That isn't anything reflective upon me as a 'teacher'.  It is reflective upon my humility and ability to say "I don't know, but here is what I've seen from sources I trust."

I don't know the real deal with The Novel Coronavirus, but here are things from sources I trust.


Dr. Fauci says Coronavirus isn't a big deal:

WATCH : Dr. Anthony Fauci's original thoughts about the severity of the COVID-19 outbreak are revisited from a January 21st interview with Newsman TV's Greg Kelly.  He says it's "not a threat."

When did that change?  How?  Is it a big deal?  How does someone in his position not know how big a threat CV19 is?  If he was mistaken it sure was a big mistake.


Investigative reporter Sharyl Atkisson figured out that the H1N1 Swine flu numbers were not only inflated by the CDC, they were created out of nothing.

Remember this pandemic?  I do.  It should bother you that people use your trust in their institutions to lie to you, and scare you.

From Jon Rappaport's site:

'I interviewed Sharyl Attkisson. She told me the following:

“…we discovered through our FOI efforts that before the CDC mysteriously stopped counting Swine Flu cases, they had learned that almost none of the cases they had counted as Swine Flu were, in fact, Swine Flu or any sort of flu at all! The interest in the story from one [CBS] executive was very enthusiastic. He said it was ‘the most original story’ he’d seen on the whole Swine Flu epidemic. But others [at CBS] pushed to stop it and, in the end, no [CBS television news] broadcast wanted to touch it. We aired numerous stories pumping up the idea of an epidemic, but not the one that would shed original, new light on all the hype. It [Attkisson’s investigation] was fair, accurate, legally approved and a heck of a story. With the CDC keeping the true Swine Flu stats secret, it meant that many in the public took and gave their children an experimental vaccine that may not have been necessary.” (italics mine).

Trust government pronouncements about diseases?

Are you serious?'


Swine flu is from a place in Mexico where they were slaughtering hogs in the hundreds of thousands, with feces pools you could see from high altitude.  Harsh chemicals were put in the pools to try to cure the deaths and sicknesses of the workers.  

This is why you heard 'Mexico' as the origin of the Swine Flu, but NEVER the actual town from which it arose, La Gloria:

"In 2009, in La Gloria, Mexico, on a giant commercial pig farm, pig feces and urine are allowed to bake and steam and bubble in the sun. These deposits are called lagoons. They’re so large, you can see them from outer space. Toxic chemicals are routinely sprayed and laid out like whipped cream on the lagoons. Workers are falling ill. New workers are brought in to spray even more toxic chemicals. Workers die. Then the Centers for Disease Control sends in their tuned-up virus hunters to look for the germ causing the “mysterious” illness. They claim to find a Swine Flu virus. IT MUST BE THE VIRUS. WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE? THE DECAYING PIG SH*T AND URINE? The layers of poisonous chemicals? Don’t be ridiculous."


Apparently the NYPD believes the dangers of the Novel Coronavirus, until it means putting people in prison:

A woman got busted for not doing proper 'social distancing'. This was a problem, and unhealthy problem. Didn't she know there was a Pandemic! going on? This is a serious issue. Until it isn't:

"The woman was taken to the local precinct and then to central booking, where she shared a cell with two dozen other women for the next 36 hours. Only women who already had masks when they were arrested were allowed to keep them. There was no soap and the cell was dirty, but at one point an officer went around distributing drops of hand sanitizer to the women held there.

“They got us all bunched up in one cell,” the woman said. “Nobody gave us no tissues. Regular jail stuff. Once you go in there they are going to treat you like the scum of the earth.

Does that make sense to you?  If they're worried about people being healthy, bow does throwing them in a cell with 24 other women in close proximity help?  The NYPD officers are either stupid, or unconcerned about their health.  If it's the latter, then why arrest them in the first place?


All of these stories are for you to process.  I don't have the answers.  I know that the Corporate Media has been working to scare people for decades.  They are merchants of despair, and their motives are nefarious - too big a topic to go into here.  I process Media information with that in the back of my mind.  

Go forth and do likewise.

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