Friday, April 3, 2020

Novel Coronavirus Report - From the Top of Glass Mountain

My mind goes places where it isn't supposed to.  I understand the potential severity of Corona-chan.  However, I listen to the people who've been kicked off of the mainstream internet, so the information I process isn't for the normies, and therefore exposes inconsistency.  Adding to that, I know and enjoy history.

This makes the Corona Time more difficult for me that it is for you.

Here is some information from the Spanish Flu Pandemic 100 years ago; "In the U.S., about 28% of the population of 105 million became infected, and 500,000 to 675,000 died (0.48 to 0.64 percent of the population)"

675,000 deaths.  If you match that same ratio to today's coronachan it would have to reach almost 2 million deaths in the United States.  The numbers don't seem to be getting there.  I don't think they will.

Real Questions:

Why didn't they close down the economy and the businesses back then?  Were they sociopaths praying for death?  If the Spanish Flu was so wretched, why didn't the gov't close down the schools?

Before we get to my report from Glass Mountain, there are some other issues that are no longer issues.
  • No one is talking about Greta and Global Warming.
  • World War III has completely faded into nothingness.
  • The Amazon isn't burning.
  • The threat of a mass shooting is gone.
  • Russia Collusion Hoax is now even sillier than when it was going on.
  • Impeach Trump is a non-issue.
We owe Corona a great debt, for it has made the above 6 topics disappear.  It has also made us appreciate many of our good neighbors, who have come through for the elderly in my area.

I, for one, am grateful.

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