Monday, April 6, 2020

Online Learning: It was a Conspiracy Theory Until it Suddenly Wasn't

For: The Presentational Speaking Classes - 12th Grade

"Freeway" Ricky Ross, a former US street legend, who as a drug dealer was once responsible for flooding California's streets with most of its hard drugs, spoke with RT about his activism against drugs. After making up to US $3 million a day and then spending 20 years in prison, Ross started from scratch and is now trying to make a difference by keeping kids from following into his footsteps."

Rick Ross's story is an interesting one, and I'll provide informative and optional links later, probably tomorrow, for those who are interested.  This was one of those stories, "the gov't flooded the black neighborhood with crack!", that was scoffed at for years as a 'conspiracy theory'.  Your enemies will always do that - call information they don't like a bad name.  It isn't an argument.

Ross was illiterate all through his schooling, and with the help of the US Federal Gov't, became the top drug dealer in Los Angeles. He makes some controversial statements during this interview. He says the CIA and the gov't were responible for flooding the Black Neighborhood with drugs and destorying it. He is also exceedingly critical of his schooling.

1) Does he present his case well?
He continues, around 8:00 in, that both school and the music industry are in it to get paid, not to help young people in any way.

2) Does he explain himself well?

3) How does his past life as a dealer, who had multiple $3 million dollar days, help his case? Or does it hurt it? Explain this aspect of Ethos in this interview.

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