Saturday, February 15, 2020

G. E. D. Report #44 - The Wizard of Oz Exposes The Wizards

The smart students in class invariably ask who the Controllers are. Who are "they", and how do they manage not only the mass-men and mass-women, but the beat to which they dance?

It's a fantastic question. One of the parables that answers the question, and gives you the solution going forward, is the book, the Wizard of Oz. The movie changed some things, one of them subtle but devastating, but it was made in an age when they (see what I mean?) couldn't radically alter it too much or the Real Americans would have balked. 

Inspired by Owen Benjamin's podcast on the topic, here is my explanation of the Wizard of Oz, and how it both identifies the Wizards, and gives you the path out of the Darkness.

I am now on a couple of platforms, teaching and tutoring. I work in a school that is rife with difficulties. Without putting too fine a point on it, I'm in the Bad Neighborhood School. However, my students have done quite well on exams, and in school, over the past 25 years. The competition is quite fierce these days for certain colleges. My tutoring and instruction have been helpful in getting many clients into schools like Tulane, SUNY Binghamton, Penn St., Harvard, Bates and Hamilton.

We will work together on exams, reading, writing, literacy, current affairs, history and economics. I'm a reader - you should be too.

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