Thursday, February 13, 2020

Of The Oligarchs, By The Oligarchs, For The Oligarchs,

This article on Huffington Post is case study in how the Political, Corporate, Judicial, and Financial Elite are looting our country.

If you haven't been paying attention, there are almost no rules for Them, and there are rules for Us.  If you're a nobody, you pay exorbitant payroll tax, high commercial rent, get busted for fluorescent lights that are out, and you have to bow before midwit city officials.

If you're a nobody, you get nasty letters threatening tax payments for companies that have done no business in 3 years.

All of the above things are what we experience.  I have personal experience in all of the above situations.

If you're an oligarch, looting America, you get a pass.

In the days of my hard core libertarianism, I used to get dismissive yawns and walls of text telling me I was 'wrong' when taking about Regulatory Capture. I would use the Michael Taylor example, to no avail.  Taylor was a Monsanto big shot, and then senior advisor to the FDA commissioner.  The point I tried to make was that the industry had captured the regulatory agency of government.  The zombies who populate Facebook with whom I would discuss this didn't seem to care.  Because it was the Obama administration, there was nothing wrong.  There were no bad things afoot.  All was good.  The psychological brinksmanship during 2009-2017 was awesome.  I kneel before our Overlords' ability to shut off the Minds of the Herd.

The "slow motion looting" described in the fantastic HuffPo article gives you chapter and verse in the capture of most of our major institutions.  While you're screaming "Orange Man Bad", bowing and scraping before the goddess Greta, bleating on social media how you hate Republicans, your real enemy is robbing you and your country blind.

Divide and Conquer is real.  Regulatory capture is real.  The things you're arguing about on Faceberg are not real.

I hope some people wake up, but if the past is any indication, I don't think they will.

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