Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Oligarch in Chief - Billionaire Bloomberg

The hard core socialists at Black Agenda Report see it.  They know exactly what's happening and are calling it out.

"Bloomberg’s $800,000 donation to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and state party organizations back in November bore fruit last week when the DNC dropped its rules requiring candidates to raise money from a minimum number of individual donors, plus reach a threshold in polling numbers, to qualify for the next televised debate, in Las Vegas. The decision was tailor-made for Bloomberg, the only candidate that does not accept outside donations."
The group formerly known as the Democratic Party is imploding.  The Establishment Ruling Class within the DNC seems to be in full panic mode.  To think that they are not just entertaining, but allowing a zillionaire power broker like Michael Bloomberg to come in and direct the show - by changing the rules for him - would have been unthinkable in the past.

One of the things that helped me break out of the fake left v. right paradigm was watching the corporate donor class buy off politicians from both parties.  Jesse Ventura, Ron Paul, and Cynthia McKinney all helped teach me about the reality of the Federal Government.  I went the libertarian route because of this.  Other people slide left.

The real left sees the same thing.  To think that the Democratic Party would go against a left leaning candidate like Bernie Sanders is strange, seeing that the rhetoric is always pro-socialist.

The true believer left at BAR see the truth about the moneyed influence, and they hate it.  Unlike the bought and paid for Corporate Media, they say things like this:

"He has spent almost twice that much – around $200 million – on advertising, and tens of millions more in building a campaign infrastructure and buying endorsements from a host of Black political prostitutes, including Chicago Rep. Bobby Rush, Washington DC mayor Muriel Bowser and San Francisco mayor London Breed. Indeed, Bloomberg’s billions have bought him more mayoral endorsements in top 100 cities than any other candidate.

This is how you buy the Democrats, who are actually much more of a brand name than a political party."

Two of the ingredients of real socialism are anti war and anti corporate.  You can tell if someone is consistent and dedicated when they are able to call out moneyed corruption - even if they are a member of the preferred party.  

The Corporate Media would never write something like what you see above.  It's why I ignore the Corporate Media, and you should too.  R vs. D is a scam, especially when presented by any major media outlet.  I don't like or agree with Socialism, but Black Agenda Report is one of the sites I visit because they sniff out corruption with tripwire sensitivity.  The Establishment hates BAR, because they tell too much truth.

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