Sunday, February 9, 2020

The One Extra Step for Exams

Exam Season is Here

No one likes taking the SAT or the ACT.

Compounding the issue, the writing / English parts of the tests have caused problems because students weren't given sufficient instruction in English Grammar as young people. What I built online was not only the usual exam prep class I use with private clients, but I've added a bunch of grammar preps that worked as well.

Now that the oncoming exam season is here, you can be the hero in someone's life by recommending or using my ACT English class - hours of exam material and hard core grammar review.

No one really enjoys the work, but they enjoy the results. The exam scores speak for themselves. It's why I keep getting callbacks for tutoring.

My private tutoring rate is pretty high. The prices for the online classes are extremely low.

Worth a look - for you or a friend.

Thank you,
Douglas Marolla
Room 227

Copyright © 2020 The Freelance Teacher Inc., All rights reserved.

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