Sunday, February 16, 2020

Focusing on Frivolities: At Risk Becomes At Promise

This is something out of the movie "Idiocracy".

"SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – The term “at-risk youth” was commonly used in both penal and education codes in California – until now.

Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation that went into effect on Jan. 1 that officially wiped the phrase from the state’s language. The phrase will now be replaced by “at-promise youth.”

Assemblymember Byron Jones-Sawyer (D-South Los Angeles), who penned the passed legislation, says the measure will change the negative connotation that comes along with the “at-risk” label.

“I learned that words matter – and once they were called ‘at-risk,’ they almost were in the school-to-prison pipeline automatically,” Jones-Sawyer said.

The measure will 'change the negative connotation'.  Yes.  I'm sure it will.  Feelings are the most important thing in the world.  And you can legislate feelings, as Byron Jones-Sawyer has just done.

'School to Prison Pipeline' is one of those meaningless phrases that holds lots of power, particularly with the Normies on Social Media.  You can do and say whatever it is you wish, if you say that it will help stop the 'school to prison pipeline'.  It's like saying "I'm here for the children" at my job.  Admin will advance any policy, however useless and ineffective.  If you say at the end: "I'm here for the children" it will not only get approved, but you'll get a standing ovation.  I've seen this happen.

My favorite part of the article is the obviously fake quote, most assuredly coached and coaxed out of one of the formerly 'at risk' youth, now an 'at promise' youth:

"Cervantes says he’s proud of his family, but he knew he wanted a different life to break the cycle – though he says quickly it became clear the road would be difficult.

“I joined different programs and that’s where the label started to be used,” Cervantes said.

He was in high school the first time he was referred to as “at-risk.”

“It just felt like, damn, I’m like really at-risk? That’s the path I’m heading towards? It felt like there was no empowerment in it.

The number of 'at promise' youth who think and talk this way is zero.

The Shadow Community of Parasites who pretend to rule over us must be having a blast.  They're seeing what they can get away with while we're told what words we have to use.  

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