Monday, February 17, 2020

The Media Hates You

I talk about Clown World a lot.  I'm not the only one.

Here is the media doing its best to destroy tradition.  A tradition that they live under, enjoy the fruits of, and won't leave.

They're calling the traditional homemaker / housewife role 'racist', while comparing it to an ISIS style brainwashing.  Interesting how they're willing to demean women, suggesting that women can be easily guided against their wills to become housewives.  I can't help but notice that they see the 'trad wife' role as white supremacist racist - working to run the house and rule the roost is bad but working in a cubicle and making money for a rapacious corporation is 'good'.

They so easily spit on the culture of most of Latin America.  Same for much of the Muslim world.  I wonder why they don't mention those parts of the world?

And what happened to tolerance?

The media hates you.  The reason why they put out this much propaganda toward our young people is it's necessary to keep the drumbeat going in order to get people to buy into the absurd woke SJW narrative.  It's why they never stop.  All of the Narratives must be continually pushed, otherwise no sensible person would buy into them.  

It's the same reason there are 12 years of schule.  All independent thought must be obliterated.

Woketopia is a joke.  Treat it as such.  Ignore the Corporate Media.  I do, and it has really helped.

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