Saturday, February 29, 2020

The Conspiracy and Propaganda Needed for WWI

James Corbett is a great documentary filmmaker.  He also was on the internet and youtube before anyone else making news and history videos.  He tells a lot of truth.

That's why the Corporate Mainstream don't like the guy.

I posted the other day on how the Power Elite conspired to get the USA into WWII.  There was another, more dark, conspiracy to get America into WWI.  Just yesterday I was listening to Pete Quinones and Richard Grove discuss Grove's historical analysis of the Progressive Era.  He mentioned Corbett's documentary on WWI as the gold standard for the topic.

I'm sharing it with you here so you can see how the Elite use the completely subservient lapdog press and other avenues of power, to not only stay in power, but get regular people to fight their wars.

Unless people eventually refuse to fight for nonsense, this destructive cycle will continue.  Right now we have troops guarding poppy fields in Afghanistan.  For what?  It isn't for your freedom.

Knowledge is power.  Get the power to know what is going on so you can have the intellectual self defense going forward.  Don't be a someone else's pawn.

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