Wednesday, March 4, 2020

How to Have a Chance Against Trump

I told my brother that the Democratic Party frontrunners have NO CHANCE against Trump unless they go back to junior high school.

Here's why.  Look at these tweets:

Trump does this kind of thing all the time on Twitter, and he spoke like this on the debate stage in 2016, and he will do it again during the 2020 debates.  He's a relentless, juvenile, funny, witty troll - and he's good at it.

Because some of his comments are incendiary, and the Corporate Media is clueless, the Media has no choice but to cover the comments and tweets.  Anyone going up against DJT must get in the mud, roll around with Trump, and act as if they're in middle school all over again.  Come up with funny insults, goof on Trump's flaws, clown on his odd habits.... all  the things you did when you were 13 years old.

Here's the key to winning, to all of the DNC consultants reading this blog:  hire a bunch of smart, precocious, politically aware and preternaturally witty 13 year olds, and unleash them on your candidate.  That 'trial by fire' is the only thing that will get you past Trump.  If you're a bowtie twirling Creature of DC who will 'play by the rules', 'remain civil', and 'take the high road', you'll be doing the same things as ... Low Energy Jeb.

And you'll lose.

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