Thursday, February 27, 2020

Fooling Us Into War

The FDR myth is strong.  I know someone from the baby boom generation, a really smart person, who gets angry and emotional when confronted with any bad news about FDR's legacy.

This will be one of those times.

Because roping America into WWI was such a disastrous and repellent bit of propaganda, and the aftermath was such a bloody mess, the Power Elite saw to it that the history of WWII was going to be different. That's why you only get positive and glorious information about WWII.

It's why you get information in history class that Churchill was super brave, and FDR was steadfast and honorable.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  They were both conniving sickos with no regard for human life.  Regular people, to them, were expendable in order to maintain control of The Empire.

Here is a key example, with the footnote:

"At the end of World War II, Stephenson arranged for an official history of the British Security Coordination to be written, based on its voluminous files and records. Just twenty copies of this secret and very restricted work were produced, and then the entire archive of BSC documents and papers was gathered together and burned".[10]

This article will ruin your previous perceptions.  The Power Elite, led by Churchill, FDR, and Stalin, saw to it that the United States was drawn into (yet another) European conflict it didn't need to be.

Knowledge is power.  Getting good history, with footnotes and proof, is invaluable.  They want you to step into the same trap every time.

Don't let them.

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