Friday, January 31, 2020

The New World Order Takes a Huge Loss - Farage Says Goodbye

Nigel Farage’s final speech at the EU ended very dramatically when he was cut off for ‘disobeying the rules’ ahead of the Brexit withdrawal agreement vote.

Garage's speech is great. What's even better is that the NWO takes a loss in their insatiable quest for power via world government. Notice the awful schoolmarm woman at the end, the kind of pushy rule following bureaucrat who admonishes Farage and the other Brits to 'put away their flags'.

Farage understands rhetoric and symbolism. The head lady's reaction (I'm too lazy to look up who she is) tells it all.

The EU is finished. It was doomed from the start, but this breakaway is huge. Globalists hate this kind of thing. It's good to see them take a loss for once.

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